Building blocks of a DMP centric Martech ecosystem

By Ravi EvaniFiled under UncategorizedLeave a Comment

There are only two sources of competitive advantage: the ability to learn more about our customers faster than the competition and the ability to turn that learning into action faster than the competition.Jack Welch, General Electric

* Representative Example Product

Step 1: Map desired customer actions to business objectives
  • Increase sales from first-time customers
  • Drive higher revenue through higher price points and ancillary spend
  • Increase loyalty in brand across product lines, service lines and experiences
Step 2: Define DMP project objective
To enhance a brand’s customer intelligence through advanced analytics, better targeting and personalized experiences, resulting in increased revenue for the brand.
Step 3: Map out the DMP Optimization cycle
Step 4: Frame the expected benefits from your Martech stack
Business Performance

Increase revenue by:

  • Extending the right offer
  • Reducing unnecessary discounts
  • Increasing channel shift to online purchases
  • Increasing first time prospects
Robust Analytics
  • Improved analytics around segmented audiences and other priority areas of measurement
  • Cross channel view of digital marketing tactics including Ad and email performance
  • Comprehensive tools for predictive analytics such as propensity modeling, anomaly detection, etc
  • Integration of the Data Warehouse with Analytics data allows brand to analyze the factors that contribute to higher net sales
Improved Segmentation and Targeting
  • Leveraging first party online behavioral and CRM data along with second and third party data attributes to pull together increased number of segments as well as more robust segments
  • Look-a-like modeling to find new prospects matching robust segments
  • Gain ability to identify & target the highest value prospects
Better cross device identification
  • Single ID (marketing cloud ID in case of Adobe) across sites to enable better device stitching
  • Better journey analysis across touch-points due to better device stitching
Operational Efficiencies
  • DMP driven segmentation model allows a single place for segment creation and activation across targets
  • Enables real-time creation of segments and the ability to see the effect of those changes across channels
Step 5: Identify integrations into the DMP
  • Push customer purchase data from DW to DMP
  • Push CRM data to DMP
  • Push call center data to DMP
Step 5: Identify integrations into the DMP
  • Push customer purchase data from DW to DMP
  • Push CRM data to DMP
  • Push call center data to DMP

The link between DMP and predictive analytics

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